Workplace Investigations

Why conducting Workplace Investigations well, helps your business and your people.

Dealing swiftly, proportionately and appropriately with workplace issues such as employee complaints and potential employee misconduct or serious misconduct, is crucial and can save an organisation time, money and contribute to its reputation as a fair, responsible and reasonable employer. Furthermore, there is an increasing call in the modern workplace for investigations to be carried out in order to establish whether or not complaints or grievances are well founded, and to reliably establish the facts about certain matters before important decisions are made.

If workplace investigations are to serve their purpose, it is imperative that they are conducted efficiently and the reports emanating from them are coherent and sound; essentially that they and the investigatory procedure behind them can stand up to critical scrutiny, sometimes in a court or tribunal setting. 

Our team have strong experience in dealing with difficult and sensitive workplace investigations across Australia and have extensive experience providing workplace investigation services across a wide range of industry sectors.

Bartlett Workplace Investigations offers a full range of workplace investigation services and we are experts when it comes to:

  • Conducting workplace Investigations

  • Advising on workplace investigations and outcomes to ensure results are thorough, accurate and legally defensible

  • Helping organisations set up or review their internal processes for legal compliance and best practice (including policies, procedures, and guidelines) related to employee complaints, grievances, conduct management and workplace investigations

  • Up-skilling investigators, managers, and decision-makers in workplace investigations capability

Our Integrated Approach

Practical, mature experience in the actual conduct and requirements of workplace investigations, together with high level legal expertise concerning investigations to make sure our investigations and their results are robust, accurate and legally defensible.

We make a point of keeping you informed of issues arising and progress over the course of the investigation.

Our Workplace Investigators

We understand that every organisation has its own features and that a sound investigation must be informed by an appreciation of contextual factors.

Accordingly, when we select an investigator to work with you, we look at both the matters to be investigated and the context in which the matters arise to make sure that the investigator nominated is well suited to conducting the investigation required.

WI Education & Training

Our Workplace Investigation Education & Training Solutions provides your people with the tools and practical training they need to better manage employee behaviour, and to investigate and make decisions with respect to matters involving serious misconduct.

Our 3 main programs cover the following:

  • Workplace Investigation Training for Investigators;

  • Workplace Investigation Training for Decision Makers;

  • Workplace Investigation and Disciplinary Processes Best Practice Workshop.

Be sure to download our Workplace Investigation Brochure